Always Insult Me: an insult-error update
You may recall the amazing insult-error python package from a “recent” post. Well, great news! It is now slightly better in version 0.3.1.
This update brings a new feature to make it super easy to start insulting friends and enemies alike.
Running the always_insult_me
function will rejigger your environment to convert all uncaught exceptions
into InsultError
s with the usual random insults and (optionally) messages. If you get sick of this
behavior, dont_always_insult_me
will set things back to normal.
A little example to demonstrate:
from insult_error import always_insult_me, dont_always_insult_me
# turn on ubiquitous insults
# uncaught exceptions converted to InsultErrors and messages replaced too
raise ValueError('a normal message')
# >>>
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
# FuckYouBuddy: I don't have the time or the crayons to explain this to you
# turn off insults, things go back to normal
raise ValueError('another normal message')
# >>>
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
# ValueError: another normal message
# turn insults back on, but this time preserve error messages
raise ValueError('a normal message')
# >>>
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
# FuckYouBuddy: a normal message
Credit to Jacob McDonald (my colleague at Indigo Ag) for the idea and initial implementation. This feature
works by modifying the sys.excepthook
callable, which is executed just before Python fails due to an
uncaught exception. Happily, the original value of this callable is preserved as sys.__excepthook__
, so
we can easily undo the change.We simply wrap the original hook such that the exception type becomes an InsultError
but the traceback is unchanged. This is important because we want to insult people, but not fuck up
their workflow.
Some internals have changed as well since the last post. Most notably, error names are handled in
a much simpler way. Rather than mucking about with __new__
and exception subclasses, we just
modify the exception ___class__.__name__
attribute during exception initialization. We still
have an InsultError
instance, but it has a nice random name. Python really let’s you do any
damn thing you want.
Lastly, there are a few new insults in there since my last post. Still looking for contributions, of course!