
Create new MAT-files optimized for partial reading and writing of large arrays



The purpose of this tool is to provide more and easier control over MAT-file formatting. In particular, I had some performance problems with partial IO for large arrays and found the solutions suggested by Mathworks to be pretty clunky. The three features that newmatic includes are:

  1. Creating new array variables with a specified type
  2. Allocating the array size (see here)
  3. Defining sane chunk sizes (see "Accelerate Save and Load Operations for Version 7.3 MAT-Files" here)

For our test case, we will make save a relatively large 3D array to a MAT-file one "page" at a time, and then read it back in the same way. This tasks mimics the task that inspired me to write this tool, namely partial reads from a stack of image arrays.

TLDR: Using newmatic makes partial access roughly the same speed as reading/writing whole variables, and does not have a significant impact on file size. For this specific example, setting a sane chunk size yields ~20x speedup.

Note: The fact that read timings are systematically lower than write times is likely an artifact of data caching in the underlying HDF5 library (see here). Because we write before reading in this test, we likely end up reading from (fast) cache rather than (slow) disk. For this reason, the relative times are more important than the absolute times.

Here is the test data:

num_row = 2000;
num_col = 1000;
num_img = 50;

images = randi(255, num_row, num_col, num_img, 'uint8');

Complete read/write with native MATLAB tools

As a baseline, we will use native MATLAB matfile() to write the data at once

% get a temporary file name
native_complete_file = [tempname, '.mat'];
native_complete_cleanup = onCleanup(@() delete(native_complete_file));

% create a matfile object
native_complete_mat = matfile(native_complete_file, 'Writable', true);

% populate the file at once
native_complete_mat.images = images;
native_complete_write_time = toc;
fprintf('Native-complete, write: %.3f s\n', native_complete_write_time);

% read the images back in from the file one at a time
[~] = native_complete_mat.images;
native_complete_read_time = toc;
fprintf('Native-complete, read: %.3f s\n', native_complete_read_time);

% get the file size
native_complete_file_size = dir(native_complete_file).bytes/1024/1024;
Native-complete, write: 3.264 s
Native-complete, read: 0.716 s

Partial read/write with native MATLAB tools

Now let's try using native MATLAB matfile() to do read and write the data one image at a time (i.e., partial IO). This is the real use case we are interested in.

% get a temporary file name
native_partial_file = [tempname, '.mat'];
native_partial_cleanup = onCleanup(@() delete(native_partial_file));

% create a matfile object
native_partial_mat = matfile(native_partial_file, 'Writable', true);

% allocate the array
%   see:
native_partial_mat.images = uint8.empty(0, 0, 0);
native_partial_mat.images(num_row, num_col, num_img) = uint8(0);

% populate the file one image at a time
for ii = 1:num_img
    native_partial_mat.images(:, :, ii) = images(:, :, ii);
native_partial_write_time = toc;
fprintf('Native-partial, write: %.3f s\n', native_partial_write_time);

% read the images back in from the file one at a time
for ii = 1:num_img
    [~] = native_partial_mat.images(:, :, ii);
native_partial_read_time = toc;
fprintf('Native-partial, read: %.3f s\n', native_partial_read_time);

% get the file size
native_partial_file_size = dir(native_partial_file).bytes/1024/1024;
Native-partial, write: 52.359 s
Native-partial, read: 3.698 s

Partial read/write with newmatic

Now for the good stuff. Let's use newmatic to create our file, and then read and write the data one image at a time. We will choose a chunk size that neatly matches our planned access pattern (i.e, an image).

% get a temporary file name
newmatic_partial_file = [tempname, '.mat'];
newmatic_partial_cleanup = onCleanup(@() delete(newmatic_partial_file));

% create a matfile object with newmatic
var_size = [num_row, num_col, num_img];
var_chunk = [num_row, num_col, 1];
newmatic_partial_mat = newmatic(newmatic_partial_file, newmatic_variable('images', 'uint8', var_size, var_chunk));

% populate the file one image at a time
for ii = 1:num_img
    newmatic_partial_mat.images(:, :, ii) = images(:, :, ii);
newmatic_partial_write_time = toc;
fprintf('Newmatic-partial, write: %.3f s\n', newmatic_partial_write_time);

% read the images back in from the file one at a time
for ii = 1:num_img
    [~] = newmatic_partial_mat.images(:, :, ii);
newmatic_partial_read_time = toc;
fprintf('Newmatic-partial, read: %.3f s\n', newmatic_partial_read_time);

% get the file size
newmatic_partial_file_size = dir(newmatic_partial_file).bytes/1024/1024;
Newmatic-partial, write: 2.987 s
Newmatic-partial, read: 0.153 s

Complete read/write with newmatic

To round out the comparison, let's read/write whole variables using newmatic

% get a temporary file name
newmatic_complete_file = [tempname, '.mat'];
newmatic_complete_cleanup = onCleanup(@() delete(newmatic_complete_file));

% create a matfile object with newmatic
var_size = [num_row, num_col, num_img];
var_chunk = [num_row, num_col, 1];
newmatic_complete_mat = newmatic(newmatic_complete_file, newmatic_variable('images', 'uint8', var_size, var_chunk));

% populate the file at-once
newmatic_complete_mat.images = images;
newmatic_complete_write_time = toc;
fprintf('Newmatic-complete, write: %.3f s\n', newmatic_complete_write_time);

% read the images back in from the file at-once
[~] = newmatic_complete_mat.images;
newmatic_complete_read_time = toc;
fprintf('Newmatic-complete, read: %.3f s\n', newmatic_complete_read_time);

% get the file size
newmatic_complete_file_size = dir(newmatic_complete_file).bytes/1024/1024;
Newmatic-complete, write: 3.183 s
Newmatic-complete, read: 0.715 s


To make the comparison a bit easier, check out the tabulated results below:

results = table(...
    round([native_complete_write_time; newmatic_complete_write_time; native_partial_write_time; newmatic_partial_write_time], 2), ...
    round([native_complete_read_time; newmatic_complete_read_time; native_partial_read_time; newmatic_partial_read_time], 2), ...
    round([native_complete_file_size; newmatic_complete_file_size; native_partial_file_size; newmatic_partial_file_size], 2), ...
    'RowNames', {'native-complete', 'newmatic-complete', 'native-partial', 'newmatic-partial'}, ...
    'VariableNames', {'write-time-seconds', 'read-time-seconds', 'file-size-MB'}...
                         write-time-seconds    read-time-seconds    file-size-MB
                         __________________    _________________    ____________

    native-complete             3.26                 0.72               95.53   
    newmatic-complete           3.18                 0.72               95.53   
    native-partial             52.36                  3.7              116.33   
    newmatic-partial            2.99                 0.15                95.4